Saturday, February 24, 2007

Aha - that's where the title field is.

Monday, December 04, 2006

It's 4:07

Hey, I fixed the Performancing extension for Firefox so I can post with Blogger Beta stuff. Woot.

We had a snow day. It was weird, because it was a snow day. There was a lot of snow, and we covered the statue of Lydia Moss Bradley with snow.

I need to put cool CSS here.

And there was something else interesting. Oh well.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ooh, upgrading to Blogger Beta. I wonder if this will screw up my extension back on my Bradley computer for posting things to this blog. Probably.

"Are you tired of dealing with HTML and CSS every time you want to change the look of your blog?" Oh well. I wanted to redo the CSS into something interesting, by hand. But later.

Monday, October 30, 2006

So yeah, I'm making a laundry extension for Firefox.  That is, I want little washer and dryer icons in my Firefox statusbar to alert me to how many machines are available.

It's a lot easier to do with already existing.  Once I remembered how to do AJAX stuff and send requests to another site, I could retrieve the site's text for Harper Hall, and then just parse it for the images that represent available washers and dryers, subtracting one washer for the legend on the right.

I do have the main function call itself on timeout, rechecking laundry every 10 minutes or so, but a good way to make the function automatically begin didn't occur to me in my first draft.  So you can click the button at any time to refresh the numbers, but it will automatically update every 10 minutes after your first click.  I had thought about making it number-refresh only, but I eventually want to do away with this button entirely, maybe making manual refresh an option later.

I also need to figure out how to add things to the statusbar.  As of now, it is its own toolbar, which isn't necessarily horrible, but most people would probably find it annoying.

So I called this first draft v .1a, just to emphasize its roughness.  I'll probably increment the number as I add more functionality.  In my first revision, I want to do away with the button, making it entirely automated, and some time, I'd also like to move it to the statusbar.  I might use different icons for the amount of washer/dryer usage instead of displaying the numbers to the side of each machine's green icon, and make the specific number a tooltip of the icon.

A thought that occurs to me is to make this program something actually useful - a generic laundry checker that can be pointed at any laundry room, instead of being hardcoded for Harper Hall of Bradley University.  But we'll see.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hey, you know what nobody would expect?  The Spanish Inquisition!  Oh, and me posting to a blog.  That would be like, whoa.  So I'm going to.  Yeah.

Firefox 2 is awesome.  I'll just leave it at that, I guess.  Or maybe not.  Runs much faster, and the streamlining of search engines and add-ons are great.  Continuing my personal open-source-update-revolution, I downloaded Gaim 2.0 beta 4.  Since I only had the 2.0 beta packages for *nix before, and was running 1.5 on Windows, I upgraded my Guifications to a beta-compatible version.  Toaster pop-ups for everyone (er, people with Gaim 2.0 betas, anyway)!  Desparately looking for more open source software to upgrade, I snagged the newest version of OpenOffice.Org.  I haven't examined the changes there, but it looks like they're streamlining an extension project of their own, which would certainly be interesting, and make customizing it simultaneously easier and more powerful.

So - after this revolution of stuff, I noticed mention of improved RSS handling in Firefox.  I've been using Sage, an RSS extension for Firefox, for some time now to check news feeds without actually having to load news sites, but it finally occurred to me that I can store Live Bookmarks to blogs in my Sage RSS folder - therefore, I can check blogs a lot faster and more efficiently.

But, I wondered - could there not also be some decent extension to allow the converse?  A way to quickly update a blog when immediately when I find interesting things?

Yeah.  There is (it would be quite ironic if this doesn't actually work).  Performancing is an extension that adds an HTML editor and blog publishing capabilities to Firefox.  Pretty groovy.  There seem to be additional tools related to bloggery, but I haven't bothered to check most of them - I never really got into or anything, and the page tools seem to be temporarily down.

So yeah - random Firefox-extension-powered-updates?  Quite possible.  But right now, it's 3:20, and my roommate is asleep, so I should probably stop typing so loudly.  I probably wouldn't be awake, were it not for the fact that I have neglected to do my laundry until entirely out of shirts, and even then, failed to remember until only recently this morning.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hmm, I haven't posted here in a long time. I revived my using of Blogger this morning, since I thought I might actually do something with the Inform code I've been sitting on for a while. I'd like to actually do something based on one of my ideas instead of just stating that my idea is good, and then not proceeding to do anything with it.

I think I memorized It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), by Bob Dylan. I'm not certain what the point of that is, since I don't play an instrument or anything, but at least I remember the words now. Perhaps lots of semi-obscure quotations shall ensue.

Monday, October 31, 2005


I have two multitools now. Like Swiss Army Knife things. Unfortunately, one of them in particular falls prey to the trap of most Swiss Army Knives. That is, you can't get the specific tools out of it use them. In fact, the only way I can get the scissors out of one of the multitools is to use the other multitool. A can opener on that same multitool isn't going anywhere at all, but fortunately, in its large variety of tools, it already has another can opener. Generally though, I think I'm just going to attach the more usable and more portable multitool of the two to my keychain for now. Of course, I've seen multitools that have many more than five extensions, but I don't believe I care enough to get one of those. Specifically, ThinkGeek has one with scissors, a knife, a red LED light, a ballpoint pen, a USB drive, and a file, it appears. Another one allegedly has every tool ever implemented into a Swiss Army Knife, with a total of about 50, in a strange device that looks like the descendent of Edward Scissorhands and Mini-Me.

I have to take 2 tests tomorrow. That should be fun. One at 9:00 over Buddhism and one at 5:30 over 4 chapters in chemistry.

And I should talk to my academic advisor about classes so I can register for them next week. I'll have one less semester hour, it seems. I could take an honors seminar, but I don't know if any of them really seemed like something I'd care about, except perhaps one about what Buddha actually taught, separated from what has been added later, but that seems like something that could be summarized rather quickly, and not require a paper or something at the end. And I'm not sure if I'm going to go with philosophy or programming next semester, but right now I'm leaning toward the programming, contrary to before. Everything else should be fairly locked in - university physics I, calc 3, the second part of my western civ and composition class that I have now, and a required speech class. Interestingly, if I have philosophy instead of programming, then most of my classes will be honors classes, and I'll have to register mostly through the honors department instead of normal registration. But I'm not sure what's going to be taken up. I'll see more about the schedule later.